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CGPAC School Year Calendar 2024-2025


9/3: Classes Start! (Tuesday)

9/10-9/16: Bring a Friend week! (Permission form on website)


10/6-10/12: Parent viewing week (details TBD)


11/24-11/25: All Sun & Mon classes meet to make-up for Labor Day

11/26-11/27: Make-up Week (No classes unless CGPAC cancels a class)

11/28-11/30: No classes (Thanksgiving Break)


12/1-12/7: Last week of regular classes

TBA: Voice and Piano Recital (Details TBA)

12/8: Make-up Day (if needed)

12/9 or 12/10: Dress Rehearsals at CGPAC for both casts

12/11 or 12/12: Dress Rehearsals at CGHS for both casts

*12/13 at 7:00 pm and 12/14 at 3:15 pm: Winter Wonderland BLUE CAST Performance at CGHS

*12/14 at 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm: Winter Wonderland YELLOW CAST Performance at CGHS
12/15-1/11: Winter Break (no classes)

- 2025 -


1/12: Classes Resume!

1/19-1/25: Bring a Friend week! (Sign-Up info on website)


2/9-2/15: Parent viewing week (details TBD)


3/16-3/22: Make-up Week (No classes unless CGPAC cancels a class)

3/23-3/29: Spring Break! (No classes)

3/30: Classes Resume!




5/4-5/10: Parent viewing week *dance only (details TBD)

5/16: Swing Choir Dress Rehearsal at CGPAC 6:30-9:00 pm

5/17: Last day of all classes

5/18: Swing Choir Dress Rehearsal (2:00-5:00 pm) and Performance at 6:00 pm at CGHS

TBA: Voice and Piano Recital (Details TBA)

5/19: Make-up days if needed

5/20-5/22: Group Dance Pictures at CGPAC (TBA)

5/22, 5/23, 5/24, or 5/27: Dress Rehearsals at CGPAC for both casts

5/28-5/29: Dress Rehearsals at CGHS for both casts

5/31 at 2:30 pm: Spring Dance Recital BLUE CAST Performance #1 at CGHS

5/31 at 6:00 pm: Spring Dance Recital YELLOW CAST Performance #1 at CGHS


6/1 at 2:30 pm: Spring Dance Recital YELLOW CAST Performance #2 at CGHS

​6/1 at 6:00 pm: Spring Dance Recital BLUE CAST Performance #2 at CGHS

CGPAC = Cary-Grove Performing Arts Centre

CGHS = Cary-Grove High School

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