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All recital info in one place for you! Click below to get started.

Picture Day

While class pictures are not mandatory, we do hope that everyone joins us for the class pictures. These photos line our halls and are a fun keepsake for the studio!

No pictures for Winter Wonderland! Check back in the Spring for full information.

Dress Rehearsals & Conflict Forms

NOW CLOSED: Dress Rehearsal and Picture Day Conflict Submission Form

In order to set our students up to succeed, we require attendance at our MANDATORY dress rehearsals (one at the studio, and one on stage). Practicing together in costume with all performers in attendance before going to the theatre is a must. When we are on stage, we are worried about spacing, microphones, lighting, entrances/exits. We cannot fix costume issues or choreography. That is why these are MANDATORY.

With that said, we do everything we can to work around things you cannot change (a school concert, graduation, etc). It is a complicated process and Miss Amy will work hard to find a time slot for each class that can have full attendance.  

Thank you for looking ahead at sport schedules, graduations, 8th gr. dances, etc so we can make this all work! Note that too many absences in April and May can mean being out of part of your recital dance. Please understand that the teacher teaches whether you are there or not, and there may be consequences to absences. 

If you have any conflicts, please fill out this google conflict form to use to accurately submit anything you absolutely cannot work around. 


Sign up to work at a rehearsal, a performance, or to help with other preparations and costume cleaning.  We are counting on everyone working at least one shift per dancer (for level 3 and under please chaperone). Each separate sign up page is linked below each category.

Early Release Form

Teaching students to perform includes learning about being part of the whole cast, which means being part of cast bows and supporting the other students performing throughout the show. Performers are in the show from beginning to end, just as audience members are sitting from beginning to end of the show. 


Being part of a performance is exciting, but we have to have rules in place for safety. All performers are expected to remain backstage for the entirety of the show and will have a final bow with the cast. The only exception to this is for preschool dancers, who will be signed out to their parents at intermission of each performance.


If your performer must leave before bows are complete, please fill out this form and email it to for approval. This must be done by the day before the performance. No exceptions will be made day-of. You will need her signature on the form in order for it to be valid. The volunteer working at the check-in station does not have the authority to give permission to release a child. They will need to see your signed release form in order to get your child for you.


We understand that due to scheduling, you may need to pick your student up early. However, please only use this if it is absolutely necessary, as it causes extra work and chaos for our backstage volunteers. With hundreds of dancers backstage, and volunteers who do not know everyone personally, we cannot and will not allow anyone to take a student during the show who does not have pre-arranged permission. We take the safety of your children very seriously, and ask that you make these plans in advance to help us keep everyone as safe as possible. 


Thank you for your understanding, and as always, let us know if you have any questions.

Recital Videos

Enjoy the show all over again! Click "start watching" to view the whole show, or play individual songs.

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